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Research Guides

Finding Slavic and East European Resources at UTL

Tips on searching for books, journals, articles, and e-resources from the Petro Jacyk Resource Centre

Visit the Petro Jacyk Central & East European Resource Centre

The Petro Jacyk Central & East European Resource Centre (PJRC) is located on the 3rd floor of Robarts Library. Check the hours to see when the PJRC is open.

The Petro Jacyk Central and East European Resource Centre collection includes more than 4,600 reference volumes, in over 20 different languages of the region. There are various encyclopedias, bibliographies, biographical dictionaries, archival guides, yearbooks, language dictionaries, and other reference aids. This guide is an annotated bibliography of selected sources from this rich collection. It consists of sources in bibliography, history, literatures, and languages. The collection is non-circulating and has to be consulted in the PJRC.

Browsing encyclopedias and directories can be extremely helpful when you are starting your research. This can provide you with a general understanding of your topic, as well as keywords and names, which you can then use while searching the catalogue. In addition, many encyclopedic entries have bibliographies that can often direct you to useful sources.

Many encyclopedias, directories, and dictionaries in the Slavic and East European studies can be found at the Petro Jacyk Resource Centre, located on the 3rd floor of Robarts Library. You can use LibrarySearch to find encyclopedias and other reference books on your topic. 


Created and annotated by Nadia Zavorotna (2009), updated by Larissa Momryk (2010) and Natalia Barykina (2019).

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