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Infusing Indigenous Perspectives in K-12 Teaching

This guide is designed to help Initial Teacher Education students find materials that centre or focus on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit worldviews, experiences and knowledges for teaching in the K-12 classroom.

On-Core Video Collection

On-Core is a collection of audiovisual materials (largely films and videos) that correspond to specific strands of the Ontario Core Curriculum. Within this package are a significant collection of video materials on Indigenous topics and films by Indigenous peoples. Here you will find specific films on Indigenous issues mapped directly to curriculum expectations and grade level.

Click on the logo below to connect to On-Core (Please note that this resource is available to OISE and UofT students only):

ON CORE core curriculum on demand logo

Videos Online

Audio Online

There are some great radio programs and music sources online:

To find video and audio resouces that correspond to the topic area, curriculum subject, or grade level, please see the Deepening Knowledge Project website.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and Augmented Reality resources are an especially rich area for Indigenous creators to explore Indigenous futures, languages and environments. Below are a list of Indigenous centric VR/AR Materials. For a full guide on using Virtual Reality in Classrooms, please consult our Guide. For use of the Blitzwolf VR Glasses (CR 371.33468 B6497) available through the library, please find them in the Curriculum Resources Collection on the Third Floor of the Library.

Search the Catalogue

Catalogue Search Tips

Search the same way you would search for books, but in the left-hand column of the results screen, select the format “Videos & DVDs” or “Audio.” 

Highlighting the "Videos and DVDs" link in the catalogue search bar

After that, you can select a more specific format (e.g., “Videocassette” or “DVD”).

Format "Videocassette" and "DVD" filters in the library searach bar

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