BC Hydro Site C Clean Energy Project
Enbridge Line 9 Reversal
Jay Project, an expansion of the Ekati Diamond Mine
Highway 413 Project
15 minutes
Go to the Padlet associated with your topic. Share what you know about the topic already through a group mind map:
Identify the who, what, where, when in your mind map.
Mind map the various aspects of the issue and angles.
What is the issue about (i.e. assignment 1 summary)? Note, it can be about more than 1 aspect.
What are the challenges of the issue?
5 minutes
Now that you have looked at the various issues and challenges of your topic, take the next 5 minutes to choose an angle/challenge/issue you want to further explore, what are your why/how questions of the topic? You can choose 1 to further revise to be your research question.
5 minutes
Identify more keywords for your topic based on the mind map discussion.
Now go back to your 5 terms, how might you revise these to reflect the who what where when and the why/how of your topic.
What are your 5 words now?
What are the synonyms?
Write these down in the worksheet
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