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Research Guides


A guide for finding resources in the area of Ecumenism

Journals in Ecumenism


You can search within a specific online journal – either by 1) Searching for topics across all available issues, or 2) By browsing through years, volumes, issues. Here's how.


Ecumenical Review (World Council of Churches) - (online)

Journal of Ecumenical Studies - (online)

Ecumenism  (Canadian Centre for Ecumenism) - (online)

Ecumenical Trends - (online)

The Ecumenist: A Journal for Promoting Christian Unity (now called Critical Theology)

            -also available online

Critical Theology: Engaging Church, Culture, Society  (formerly called The Ecumenist)

                 -starting in winter of 2024, issues will be available for free online at:

Exchange - (online)

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