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MGT232H5: Business Finance II

A course guide to support students in their group assignment for MGT232.

Accessing FactSet

See the Home Page of this guide for information about the set-up of your personal FactSet account and learning resources.

FactSet Web is found here:

Everyone is also welcome to visit the FLC in-person, where FactSet is installed on all workstations and a personal account isn't necessary for access.

FLC workstations are available remotely when the FLC is closed. Instructions for remote access to FLC workstations is through Citrix and can be found through the FLC Software page

Company and M&A Research using FactSet

To search for deals (including M&A) associated with a specific company:

  • Click on the Company/Security tab in the top horizontal bar
  • Enter the name of the company (or the stock ticker) in the search box in the upper left corner
  • FactSet will auto-suggest matches for your company; click to select a name and this company's information will be loaded 
  • You will find lots of Company information from the left-hand menu, including a snapshot profile, financial information, and filings
  • Scroll down the left-hand menu to 'Transactions' > 'M&A Summary'
  • 'M&A Summary' provides:
    • A 'Deal Activity Chart' for the last several years from current date showing price & volume
    • Summary or aggregate M&A statistics 
  • Under 'All M&A Deals' locate the merger or acquisition that you're interested in and click on the Announced Date to see a summary
  • Click on 'More' to open up that transaction's snapshot report in FactSet's Deals tab


FactSet offers in-depth coverage of deals involving companies incorporated in the US or traded on US exchangesDeals involving Canadian companies may receive less coverage. Deal reports involving privately-held entities may also have limited information because of reduced disclosure requirements.


Once a deal snapshot report is loaded, click on the '+/- Edit Deal Snapshot' option above the snapshot report to customize your report with additional information.


Click through each tab to see all the information available for each tab. Key tabs include:

  • Participants: information about target and acquirer and associated parent companies
  • Financials: includes valuation multiples and key statement items
  • Post Merger: revenue exposure and supply chain overlap
  • Related Deals: competing bids, associated transactions, etc.
  • Documents: filings, transcripts and press releases associated with the deal
  • Provisions: deal provisions and deal protections (for U.S. deals only)
3.     In each tab, use the red pin icon to add individual tile information to your report.

To add all available information from all tabs for an individual deal, select the 'Pin all Tiles to Report' option at the bottom of the window.

Deal snapshot reports can be downloaded in PDF format only.