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Research Guides

Japanese Extensive Reading - Tadoku (多読)

Print (Level 4)

Level & volume Titles (Japanese) Titles (Romanized)
Level 4,  vol.4-1 [PL536 .N4741 2016] 落語 : 「馬小屋の火事」「風呂敷包み」 = Rakugo : "Fire in the stable" and "The furoshiki bundle" Rakugo : "Umagoya no kaji"  "Furoshikizutsumi" = Rakugo : "Fire in the stable" and "The furoshiki bundle"
Level 4,  vol.4-2 [PL536 .N4742 2016] 女王卑弥呼 = Queen Himiko Joō Himiko = Queen Himiko
Level 4,  vol.4-3 [PL536 .N47465 2016] 広島・宮島 = Hiroshima and Miyajima Hiroshima, Miyajima = Hiroshima and Miyajima
Level 4,  vol.4-4 [PL536 .N47455 2016] 奈良の大仏 = The great Buddha of Nara Nara no daibutsu = The great Buddha of Nara
Level 4,  vol.4-5 [PL536 .N47425 2016] おちくぼ物語 = Tales of Ochikubo Ochikubo monogatari = Tales of Ochikubo
Level 4,  vol.5-1 [PL536 .N4747 2016] 京都 = Kyoto Kyōto = Kyoto
Level 4,  vol.5-2 [PL536 .N4746 2016] 中国の悲しい恋物語 : 「孟姜女」「梁山伯と祝英台」= Tragic Chinese love stories : "Lady Meng Jiang" and "Butterfly lovers" Chūgoku no kanashii koi monogatari : "Mō Kyōjo" "Ryō Zanpaku to Shuku Eidai" = Tragic Chinese love stories  : "Lady Meng Jiang" and "Butterfly lovers"
Level 4,  vol.5-3 [PL536 .N4743 2016] 信長・秀吉・家康 : 戦国時代を生きた三武将 = Nobunaga Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu : three shoguns from Civil War era Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu : Sengoku jidai o ikita sanbushō = Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu : three shoguns from Civil War era
Level 4,  vol.5-4 [PL536 .N4744 2016] 2016 クリスマス・キャロル = A Christmas carol Kurisumasu kyaroru = A Christmas carol
Level 4,  vol.6-1 [PL536 .N47415 2016] 羅生門 : トロッコ = The great gate of Rasho, The railway truck Rashōmon : Torokko = The great gate of Rasho, The railway truck
Level 4.  vol.6-2 [PL536 .N47435 2016] 赤毛クラブ = The Red-Headed League Akage kurabu = The Red-Headed League

E-books (Level 4)

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