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Researrrrch Guides

Japanese Extensive Reading - Tadoku (多読)

Nihongo yomu yomu bunko (にほんごよむよむ文庫)

Japanese Graded Readers includes the レベル別日本語多読ライブラリ - にほんご読む読む文庫  [Reberu betsu Nihongo tadoku raiburari - Nihongo yomu yomu bunko] series.

First published in 2006, the series boasts the greatest number of books in excess of 120. It has Ryo-san of Nishimachi Koban, The Kimura Family, most popular series, as well as abridged versions of classical Natsume Soseki’s and Mori Ogai’s works.


  • All print titles are available at the East Asian Library in the Extensive Reading Shelf location
  • Links to individual e-book titles have been provided, but you can also search for all titles directly in the KinoDen platform