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Research Guides

LibrarySearch Tips

A guide to the University of Toronto Libraries' LibrarySearch platform

Limit to Peer-Reviewed Articles

"Peer-reviewed Articles" is one of the filter options in LibrarySearch. Selecting this filter limits your search results to content published in scholarly journals that use a peer-review editorial process. 

Results page with arrow pointing to peer-reviewed articles filter.


Understanding Peer Review

Peer Review is:

  • The formal process by which researchers critically appraise each other's work to ensure a high level of scholarship in a journal and to improve the quality and readability of a manuscript. 
  • Applied to both primary articles (i.e. articles which present findings from original research) and review articles that summarize primary research. 

How this Filter Works

LibrarySearch is integrated with UlrichsWeb, a periodical index that includes the peer-review status of more than 300,000 journals. When you select this filter, LibrarySearch instantly narrows your results to those UlrichsWeb indicates are peer-reviewed. 

UlrichsWeb logo


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