GOAL: a broad statement of what you wish to accomplish. Goals are broad, general, intangible, and abstract.
A goal is really about the final impact or outcome that you wish to bring about – This is what you actually want to accomplish with your grant fund.
In the case of goals for a grant proposal, make sure they are linked back to your need statement - the need associated with your program.
Use words such as decrease, deliver, develop, establish, improve, increase, produce, and provide when you develop your goals.
Goal Example: Increase the number of elementary school students that have access to extracurricular music programming in the Regent Park.
OBJECTIVE: is a step toward accomplishing a goal. In contrast to the goal, an objective is narrow, precise, tangible, concrete, and can be measured.
Example of Objective: By the end of year one, we will provide 120 hrs of musical programming, free of charge, to students, aged 8-15, living in the Regent Park neighborhood.
Think of Goals as the purpose that will result from the project.
Think of Objectives as the determined steps/actions that will help you to complete the project goals.
OUTCOME: The outcome is the measurement or evaluation of an activity's result - it is what you hope to achieve when you accomplish a goal.
Example of Outcome: By the end of to December 2021, 2000 students, ages 8-15 living in Regent Park, will have access to extracurricular music programming.
Use the S.M.A.R.T. method of writing your objectives.
When you are writing your objectives, please:
Tips for writing good goals and objectives:
Adapted from: "How to write Goals and Objectives for Grant Proposals," by United Mid Coast Charities
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