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CHE430: Chemical Plant Design Resources

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List of Fall 2023 Projects

No. Project Title Industry Theme


Separation of lignin from black liquor for combustion in a kraft pulp mill lime kiln

Natural Resources
2 Pyrolysis of biomass to produce product gas for combustion in a kraft pulp mill lime kiln. Natural Resources
3 Anaerobic digestion of biosludge in a kraft pulp mill Natural Resources
4 Cobalt Constructed Wetland Environmental
5 In-Sity Ammonia Removal from Mine Waste Water Environmental
6 Low Carbon Hydrogen Production and Storage Demonstration Plant Green Energy
7 CO2 Flare Gas Reduction in a Chemical Plant Environmental
8 Demonstration Plant for LiOH H20 (LHM) Production Natural Resources
9 Process Gas Methanation for Synthetic NG in Steel Making Plants Green Energy
10 Scale-Up of Biobased Aqueous Polyurethane Dispersions Specialty Chemicals
11 Scale-Up of Phorphorous-based Antimicrobial Coating for Metal Surfaces Health
12 Green Ammonia Production Plant Green Energy
13 Plant design for Waste-to-Energy Ash Valorization Environmental
14 Plant design for biological production of medium chain fatty acids from food waste using anaerobic digestion Environmental
15 Conversion of Agricultural and Municipal Waste for Kraft and Cardboard Paper Packaging Environmental
16 Porous Carbon Production from Fibre Composite Waste Environmental
17 Plant Design for Bio-Based Cosmetics Ingredients; Towards Zero-Waste Cosmetics Processing Environmental
18 Optimization of sulfur consumption in the nickel extraction process from laterite ores Natural Resources
19 Separation Section Design for CERT Systems Plant Environmental
20 Plant Design for Plant-Based Hair Extenders Natural Resources


Supplementary resources on specific topics

CAPEX and Financial Analysis:


  1. Matches Process Equipment Cost Estimates:
  2. CAPCOST 2017:
  3. Cash Flow Analysis: CAPCOST 2017: ,
  4. AACE's 18R-97 Cost Estimate Classification System – As Applied in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries


Green Chemistry and Green Engineering:


  1. Mannan, Sam. (2012). Lees’ Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volumes 1-3 - Hazard Identification, Assessment and Control (4th Edition) - 40.2.2 The Twelve Principles of Green Engineering. Elsevier. Retrieved from
  2. Allen, D. T., & Shonnard, D. (2002). Green engineering: Environmentally conscious design of chemical processes. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR.
  3. American Chemical Society (ACS): 12 Principles of Green Chemistry 

 Process Intensification and Reducing Footprint:


  1. Reay, David Ramshaw, Colin Harvey, Adam. (2008). Process Intensification - Engineering for Efficiency, Sustainability and Flexibility. Elsevier. Retrieved from
  2. Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír Varbanov, Petar Sabev Wan Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah Manan, Zainuddin Abdul. (2014). Process Integration and Intensification - Saving Energy, Water and Resources - 1.1 Process Intensification. De Gruyter. Retrieved from
 Process Design Basis:


  1. Pavone, A. (2006). How to prepare a process design basis. Chemical Engineering, 113(6), 48-53. 

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