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PSYD98: Thesis in Psychology

A guide for advanced research projects and supervised studies for psychology students.

Journal Citation Reports (JCR)


Annual Review of Psychology; Psychological Bulletin; Annual Review of Clinical Psychology; Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics; Psychological Review; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry; Psychological Medicine; Journal of Memory and Language; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Depression and Anxiety; Cognitive Psychology; International Journal of Eating Disorders; Psychosomatic Medicine


World Psychiatry; JAMA Psychiatry; American Journal of Psychiatry; Molecular Psychiatry; Biological Psychiatry; Schizophrenia Bulletin; Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics; Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; British Journal of Psychiatry; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry


Nature Review of Neuroscience; Behavioral and Brain Sciences; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Nature Neuroscience; Annual Review of Neuroscience; Neuron; Molecular Psychiatry; Progress in Neurobiology; Trends in Neurosciences; Acta Neuropathologica; Biological Psychiatry; Brain; Annals of Neurology