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PSYD98: Thesis in Psychology

A guide for advanced research projects and supervised studies for psychology students.

Using Research Databases

You can search for individual e-journals using the library catalogue, however today's online environment has made it possible to efficiently search across numerous journals, sometimes thousands, to find articles published in them that are relevant to a particular project or assignment topic. 

This means that rather than just searching one journal, for example, the Annual Review of Psychology, you can use a research database to search across many journals that publish articles about psychological issues. 

If you're not sure which database to search, use the "Databases by Subjects A-Z" list on the library homepage and select your discipline. A list of databases relating to that subject area will be retrieved for you.

Not sure what discipline would talk about your area?  Try multidisciplinary databases.

Tip:  No database has everything! It's highly recommended that you always try at at least 2 or 3 databases. If you have any trouble, ask a librarian for advice on which databases to search. 

Key Databases

Some of the databases that might be of assistance with your research are listed below:

Evaluating Journals

Getting Full Text

When searching for articles in research databases, look for the getit! button* to link to the article's FREE full-text online. If we don't have an electronic copy of the article, it will also let you look for print versions of the article, or request it via Interlibrary Loan.  

If there is no"Get it!" link, or you experience problems, simply search for the journal in the U of T Library Catalogue.  When full-text is not readily available online, make sure you use the title of the journal (not the article title or author).

Alternatively, enter the citation information in the "Article Finder" found on the library's homepage. 

*Different databases have different full-text buttons so you might want to  also look for buttons labelled full-text or PDF.

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