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Paulo Freire

Newsletters and magazines

The OISE Library Paulo Freire Collection includes a range of newsletters and magazines. Some of these materials are a single article discussing Freire, while others are entire publications centred around Freire's theories and methodology.

Selected materials are included below. Please note that these materials are not searchable through LibrarySearch. Information about additional Paulo Freire newsletter and magazine resources is available in the Freire Bibliography and in the Newsletters and Magazines Guide linked below.

Selected newsletters and magazines

Ideas and Action Bulletin, 89, No. 2, 1973 Ideas and Action Bulletin

Call Number: OHEC Freire JL-D.EN1

This newsletter, published by the Freedom from Hunger program, includes articles about education and social justice around the world. This 1973 issue includes articles about:

  • out-of-school education in Latin America
  • a seminar on agriculture in India, industrial development
  • the use of videotape for communication in Tanzania
Second Thoughts, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1981 & Second Thoughts, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 1982Second Thoughts 

Call Number: OHEC Freire JL-D.EN4

This newsletter served to link people concerned with mandatory continuing education and related issues. The July 1981 issue includes a discussion of Freire's work, while the August 1982 issue contains a brief letter written by Freire.

Colloquy, May 1972 Colloquy

Call Number: OHEC Freire JL-E1.EN1

This magazine contains articles about matters such as educational reform, Christian and religious education, and conscientization. The May 1972 issue includes an article about Freire's theories and methodology.

One World, No. 8, July/August 1975 One World

Call Number: OHEC Freire JL-E1.EN6

Published by the World Council of Churches, this magazine discusses education, social justice, and religion. This issue includes articles about:

  • schooling in Switzerland
  • Christian education
  • providing humanitarian aid after natural disasters

This issue also contains an article written by Freire on "Education for Liberation" and an article about a set of cassettes produced during Freire's visit to Australia in the early 1970s.

Community Schools, February 1973 Community Schools

Call Number: OHEC Freire JL-E2.EN1

This magazine discusses issues related to education and schools in Ontario. The February 1973 issue includes articles about:

  • class size
  • building new schools
  • vandalism
  • vocational school
  • educational reform
Canadian Association for Adult Education, February 1973 Canadian Association of Adult Education

Call Number: OHEC Freire AR-E1.EN17

This newsletter from the Canadian Association for Adult Education contains information related to adult education, such as:

  • wasting students' time
  • resources for adult education
  • educational opportunities and activities for that months
  • excerpts about education from other newsletters and magazines

This item also contains a number of pages from the March 1973 newsletter.

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