Find books relevant to your area of study by searching the "call number," also knows as a physcial address of where the books are located in the library AND topic group it belongs to.
HD 2745 |
Boards |
HF 5549 - HF 5549.5 |
Personnel Management |
HF 5601 - HF 5689 |
Accounting. Bookkeeping |
KF 4288-4305 |
Art Law (KF=Law topics) |
N 8700 - N 9165 |
Art and the State, Public Art |
NX 440 - NX 632 |
History of the Arts |
NX 700 - NX 750 |
Patronage of the Arts |
NX 760 - NX 770 |
Administration of the Arts |
NX 775 - NX 777 |
Volunteerism in the Arts |
NX 798 - NX 820 |
Arts Centers and Facilities |
PN 2000 - PN3299 |
The Theatre |
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University of Toronto Scarborough Library
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4 Canada
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