'Tis the season!
Fancy learning more about one of last week's Google doodle? Check out some material from the Tyrrell archival collections at Fisher Library.
Halloween is almost upon us and U of T Alumni shared an interesting look into the Fisher Library's De Monstris exhibit with David Fernandez.
Everyone is marking Open Access Week in our libraries and on social media, check out this cool challenge at UTM Library!
Exciting news from UTSC Library about a new mindfulness space coming soon!
We hope you all had a wonderful long weekend filled with delicious turkey!
The University College Archives Collection is now on display at Fisher Library!
Congratulations to Bora Laskin Law Library on its 500 000th visitor last week!
Did you stop by to see the ROM's travelling planetarium at OISE Library yesterday? Check out the photos of the cool Science Literacy Week event on Twitter and Instagram!
Science Literacy Week starts next Monday, and we can't wait to see what our libraries have in store!
Scully, Gerstein, and UofT Libraries are welcoming all new and returning students back to UofT!
A new job posting for a Wikipedian in Residence has sparked a lot of interest!
We hope you all had a great long weekend (and enjoyed International Beer Day!).
Start your week with some cool UofT trivia from Bora Laskin Law Library!
Happy world emoji day!
Bora Laskin Law Library gets more fame with some filming for CBC's The National
Beat the heat like the Silver Gull! We hope you all found a way to escape the weather this weekend.
Last week our libraries displayed their pride in so many colourful ways - like with this "reading rainbow"!
Last week, a new Heritage Minute was released about LGBTQ2+ activist Jim Eagan, with help from his official biographer and the Head of Book and Serials Acquisitions at UofT Libraries, Don McLeod!
We're in the middle of convocation season, and our libraries are busy supporting this year's graduates. Congratulations!
Voting day for the Ontario Election is this Thursday June 7 - and we're helping to spread the word!
Doors Open Toronto was last weekend, and many people stopped by to visit libraries like the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, the Media Commons, UTARMS and the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Library!
On another grey and rainy day let's admire the beautiful weather and views from Gerstein.
Who needs the gym when you have this "portable" reel-to-reel recorder!
May the fourth brought out the Star Wars side of Gerstein!
A new DIY resource from UofT Libraries is making a buzz online!
When's the last time you read for relaxation? Bora Laskin Law Library has got you covered!
Last week was Archives Awareness Week, and social media was abuzz with our wonderful archives!
Spring has sprung, so take advantage of the April showers by starting your own garden with the help of the OISE Seed Library!
Spring is approaching, and so are the raccoons! Gerstein gives this one four stars, now the hunt is on for a 5 star competitor!
Happy belated birthday UofT! Last week we celebrated the University's 191st birthday in many ways- like this image from the UofT Archives from 100 years ago:
See some more highlights from the day by clicking here.
Celebrating some leading ladies on International Women's Day!
Happy belated anniversary to the Bora Laskin Law Library!
Last Friday kicked off the Year of the Dog - Happy Lunar New Year!
The beautiful water colour paintings of Derek Walcott get a lot of attention on Instagram - the exhibit featuring his paintings and drawings is on display in Robarts Library for February's Black History Month:
Valentine's Day is approaching and love is in the air... for the most part...
By: @UStMikesKelly and @FisherLibrary
The snow is here to stay, and Laidlaw Library shared a beautiful throwback to another snowy day in University of Toronto history:
By: @UCLibrary_UofT
'Tis the season for book trees: the latest picture-perfect stop at UTL!
Click here to check out how this masterpiece was made!
By: @uoftlibraries
Finals season is approaching, and neglecting the services offered by libraries is an Obama-nation:
By: @LaskinLawLib
Remembrance Day is this Saturday, and Fisher is filled with memories of Canada's experience:
By: @Fisher_Library
UofT Libraries are getting into the Halloween Spirit!
(from left to right, top to bottom)
Last Thursday October 12 we celebrated the 125th anniversary of UofT libraries - in the beautiful Fisher Rare Book Library!
Gerstein pounces on the opportunity for puns with the latest UTL 125 Anniversary Exhibit at Robarts:
Feeling the magic? The Fisher Rare Book Library shares a woodcut of the fantastical basilisk:
The UTARMS staff bade a bittersweet farewell to their graduating TALint students (with an emphasis on the sweet):
by UTArchives
Can you guess what event eclipsed all other social media posts on Monday? Put on your protective eyewear and take a look below:
by UofTMusicLib
by UTSCLibrary
Who knew that 100 years after its publication you would be able to browse this entire Chemistry text through your computer screen?
By OISELibrary
Marshall McLuhan said, "We drive into the future using only our rear view mirror", and last week UTARMS aimed their mirrors at the late, great media theorist and U of T professor himself:
by UTArchives
UTARMS shared a pic of Harold Innis on the Peace River in celebration of Canada 150. The image is just one of the many featured in the U of T Showcase 150, an interactive timeline with contributions from UTARMS, the Fisher Library, Victoria University Library and Archives, and St. Michael's College Archives:
by UTArchives
UTARMS paid tribute to Diane Longboat to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of First Nations House, and National Aboriginal History Month:
by utarchives
Gerstein and the Media Commons both had a lot to tweet about this week:
Time after time UTARMS wows us with their throwback game. Here's an image they unearthed to commemorate Earth Day:
by UTArchives
Spring weather is always a treat, and these beautiful Sakura blossoms are the cherry on top:
The Graham Library shared a wonderful blog post to commemorate the Vimy Ridge centenntial:
When we announced via social media that cats were roaming the stacks of UTL, our followers came down with a case of Cat Stacks Fever...
...so we entually had to break it to them that we were only kitten around:
The Music Library celebrated International Women's Day with a well-composed tribute to Violet Archer:
by uoftmusiclib
This Freedom to Read week, let's remind ourselves how lucky are we to have thousands of books and other information sources at our fingertips:
It's the last week to visit the "Freedom Ride" exhibit at Robarts to learn more about this poster and other fascinating pieces of Black History at U of T:
by UTArchives
At Robarts...
Some papers are read,
Papers are written too,
And some papers are folded into flowers for you ♥
The Fisher Library shared this important historical document to commemorate the start of Black History Month:
In recognition of the upcoming New Year, John W. Graham Library shared some 20th Century Chinese Art:
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? Certainly not the folks at the E.J. Pratt Library, where they have a new display featuring 43 translations of the iconic author's various works:
Oh la la! OISE Library's carpets got a makeover, helping them start out the new year in style:
by OISELibrary
The John M. Kelly Library has some cozy new study rooms to help students feel at home after the holidays:
OISE Library is joining in on the holiday fun by playing Secret Santa with these gift-wrapped books:
by OISELibrary
As the semester winds down, UTL is gearing up for various holiday celebrations across campus. The John W. Graham Library is getting into the Christmas spirit with a display of Christian iconography:
The Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library shared some snaps from their recent event "A Dream of Reconciliation", featuring a conversation between Joy Kogawa, Olivia Chow, and Bishop Patrick Yu:
by eal.uoft
[Note: link may require a Facebook login to view]
What kind of dinosaur can you find in a library? A thesaurus! Unless it's #DINOVEMBER at the ROM Library, of course, where their facebook account has gone full-on Jurassic:
by ROMLibrary
Good luck tearing yourself away from this addictive behind-the-scenes video of the automatic book return at Robarts:
The Fisher library shared some images from their collections in honour of Diabetes Awareness Month:
"For diabetes awareness month we thought we'd highlight our collection of material documenting the initial period of the discovery and development of insulin, which includes original documents ranging from laboratory notebooks and charts, correspondence, writings, and published papers to photographs, awards, clippings, scrapbooks, printed ephemera and realia. The material in the Banting papers and other related collections has also been made into a digital site which you can find through the Fisher website.
#historyofmedicine #historyofscience #manuscripts #canadianheritage #diabetesawareness"
Halloween Highlights: Here's a roundup of the most spooktacular social media posts from across UTL:
by MediaCommons_TO
by oise.library
UTARMS shared this wonderful tribute to the late Calvin (Kelly) Gotlieb:
"We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Canada's 'father of computing,' Calvin (Kelly) Gotlieb. Our condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues. We are proud to house his archival papers here at the Archives, where researchers can study his work and legacy. This 1982 photograph by Robert Landsdale is rightly labelled 'Mister Computer' on the back."
Have a history of leaving your Halloween planning until the last minute? Lucky for you, the Graham Library has some great costume ideas up its sleeves:
OISE Library educated us about their inspiring new study carrels with this Instagram post:
"Our new study carrels are here! Come see them on the second floor.
#oiselibrary #uoftlibraries #UofT #librariesofinstagram #education #studyspace"
By oise.library
Last week the Fisher Library celebrated Banned Books Week by sharing this example of censorship within the pages of their fascinating new acquisition, The Golden Legend:
In anticipation of the upcoming exhibition, "Crime and Punishment at 150: Global Contexts", the Petro Jacyk Central & East European Resource Centre tweeted this interview with U of T Professor, Kate Holland, from the Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures about the legacy of the celebrated novel:
By JacykCentre
Science Literacy Week is in full swing, and OISE Library is joining in on the fun by tweeting this invitation to visit their terrifically scientific display:
By OISELibrary
Last week many of the libraries had a visit from incoming students during orientation! Kelly Library shared this snap of some frosh exploring their space:
The Li Koon Chun Learning Centre at UTM and the Bora Laskin Law Library both tweeted out photos of their bright new spaces, ready for the new school year and new students! One more week to go...
Bookface Friday is one of our favourite days on Instagram, and last week we posted a photo on the UTL account that one follower and fan declared the "best bookface ever!"
"Happy Friday everyone! We’re kicking off the weekend in #style, thanks to today’s #BookFace! If you’re interested in learning about an icon of 1970s #fashion, you’ll want to grab “Halston: Inventing American Fashion” from #RobartsLibrary [call no.Stacks TT505 .H25 F76 2014Y]"
Did you know that Graham Library has its own newsletter? Check out their Twitter page for a link to their latest edition!
If you can't bear to miss Olympic coverage when you're out and about on campus, stop by the Gerstein lobby!
"It’s the last week of #Olympics! Cheer on every exciting #RioOlympics moment in our lobby,streaming live till Aug 21!"
Many of the libraries at U of T have changed over the years, and the Victoria University Library Facebook page shared a great picture from their archives of a very different E.J. Pratt Library over 20 years ago!
"Who remembers the red carpet in the reading room of the E.J. Pratt Library? This picture is from our digital collections database and is dated 1993 http://digitalcollections.vicu.utoronto.ca"
By Victoria University Library
Gerstein posted a portrait of the late Ursula Franklin on Instagram this past week, and shared links to resources to learn more about her incredible achievements at U of T and beyond.
"#UofT mourns the passing of renowned scientist, feminist, and pacifist Ursula Franklin. In 1984, Franklin was the first woman to be appointed University Professor, U of T's highest honour. The legacy of Franklin's scientific contributions in metallurgy and materials science is captured in our historic Reading Room, part of our permanent Making History exhibition honouring the scientific history of U of T faculty - learn more about Franklin's impactful work:
This portrait is drawn from the collections of @utarchives where researchers can also discover papers documenting her inspiring personal, professional, and public life at the archives - details here:
#uoftlibraries #womenscientists #Womeninscience #womeninSTEM #STEM #makinghistory"
Pokemon sightings across the U of T campuses have become much more frequent in the past few weeks! They seem particularly fond of libraries, as evidenced by this snap from the Gerstein Instagram account.
"#jigglypuff enjoying the sunny day just outside #gersteinlibrary. Can anyone lend a pair of sunglasses?#UofT #uoftlibraries #gottacatchemall#pokemongo #pokemonTO"
Our colleagues at the UTM and UTSC libraries took to twitter to share these great group photos of some of their staff for #DisplayYourPride
By UTSCLibrary and UTMlibrary
User Services Librarian Judith Logan got into character when she visited Gerstein's new exhibit last week!
The Faculty of Information's Inforum, temporarily located on the ground floor of Robarts Library during renovations, shared a peek at the work being done in their home space on the fourth floor of the Bissell building.
Our Inforum 4th floor this week. Thanks to Michael Cicerani for the photo! #iReno2016
In light of the weekend's tragic news out of Orlando and in solidarity with Pride celebrations around the world, the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library shared some books from one of its unique collections.
Did you know that UTSC Library has a Maker Bot? Check out this photo of it in action that they recently tweeted!
What could our #MakerBot possibly be up to this morning, #UTSC? Any guesses? #3Dprinting #3D #computeranimation
By UTSCLibrary
Convocation ceremonies and celebrations are now underway here at U of T, and Graham Library shared a photo of a souvenir from past festivities.
"This invitation to Trinity Convocation in 1946 fell out of a book and was found by one of our student employees while cleaning #springcleaning #oldiebutgoodie #thepleasureofyourcompanyisrequested #trinitycollege #oldschool #hurrahforoldtrinity"
The Li Koon Chun Finance Learning Centre at UTM shared this great infographic on Twitter to sum up the past school year:
"What do 7, 128, and 329 have in common? They are all numbers from @LKCFLC's year-end #infographic!"
The ROM Library and Archives recently posted photos of some books from their unique collection that support the new exhibition, Tattoos: Ritual. Identity. Obsession.
"Loving the Tattoos: Ritual. Identity. Obsession. Art. Exhibition? Find out even more at the Library and Archives! Royal Ontario Museum"
On Monday OISE celebrated its 50th anniversary! The OISE Library twitter account live tweeted the event, including many colourful photos of #50thingsOISE gathered to commemorate #OISE50. Follow the link below to see more!
"#OISE50 50 puppets from the OISE library puppet collection! #50thingsOISE"
By OISELibrary
With warmer weather expected later this week we're hoping to see the trees outside Robarts in full bloom!
"It may not feel like spring yet, but the signs are there that it's almost here. Spotted this sneak preview of the cherry blossoms outside #RobartsLibrary @uoft"
This past Saturday the Fisher opened its doors to the public to celebrate both Shakespeare and World Book Day!
"Tour of the exhibition by the lead curator, Scott Schofield, happening now.
Looking for a way to mark the 400th anniversary of the death of the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare, on April 23? (Incidentally, April 23 is also celebrated as World Book Day.) Why not come to the Fisher when our exhibition space is open for visitors to view ‘So long lives this’: A Celebration of Shakespeare’s Life and Works."
"EARTH DAY is coming up later this month! Take a break from studying and check out our latest book display!"
By Noranda Earth Sciences Library
"It’s the #Caturday before the last week of classes! Map and Data Library's Map Cataloguer Jordan's two #kitties Vin Scully and Hope offer their support as she writes one more final paper. ('Can we get a citation?', they ask.) Good luck to everyone finishing up their final assignments and preparing for final exams."
Assistant Media Archivist, Rachel Beattie, live-tweeted the UTL's recent event with Degrassi creator, Linda Schuyler and actor and show runner, Stefan Brogren. Live vicariously through the Storify page, if you happened to miss out on this fabulous event.
"We managed to snag @stefanbrogren's cue card for tonight's @Degrassi event! Going into our archive!"
“Does anybody out there remember when the main floor of the EJ Pratt library looked like this? This picture dates back to the mid-1990s before the library was renovated in 2000.”
Nothing says "Happy 189th Birthday, U of T!" quite like cupcakes. Sorry if you missed them, but perhaps come back for 190?
"uoftlibrariesHappy Birthday, #UofT! It's the University of Toronto's 189th birthday and you can celebrate by picking up a free #cupcake RIGHT NOW at #RobartsLibrary!"
This past Tuesday, March 8th was International Women's Day, a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievement of women. Celebrating U of T's earliest champions of gender parity, here are Professors Annie Laird and Clara Benson.
"Appointed in 1906, Annie Laird & Clara Benson were the first women professors at #UofT. #IWD"
Brief as it was, this was the snow we had all been waiting for!
"We are enjoying the #snowy view from the ground floor entrance to #RobartsLibrary! Come stay cozy and warm up at any of the #UofTlibraries today!"
by uoft
It doesn't take many words to describe the crowd-pleaser that is the newly-renovated Bora Laskin Law Library. Thanks to @uoft for this mesmerizing photo:
“uoftlibraries Can this shot of the new #BoraLaskinLawLibrary be any better? Kudos to @UofT for capturing this stunning photo of the new #library space!”
“If the #boralaskinlawlibrary is any indication, the newly constructed Jackman law building is going to be a seriously gorgeous addition to #UofT. Have you visited yet?”
“uofglibrary@uoftlibraries stunning!!”
If you haven't heard of Book Face Friday, you're missing out! Here is a stellar shot from the @uoftlibraries Instagram account from last week. Catch up on this trendy Librarian pastime.
"uoftlibraries Feeling #poetic on this #cloudy #BookFaceFriday? We are! Luckily we found this handy guide, Fixed #Stars Govern a Life: #Decoding #SylviaPlath by Julia Gordon-Bramer. Learn more about the connection between Sylvia Plath's #poems and #tarot in the #RobartsLibrary #stacks [PS3566 .L27 F59 2014]"
"This month's display: Diversity at the #UofT, curated by Barbara Edwards #BlackHistoryMonth
Love was in the air at OISE library as U of T alumni had a very romantic engagement photo shoot in the library.
Check out the photo shoot of the couple, and OISE.
by OISE Library
"There is an exhibition of Victorian Valentine's on display in the Reading Room of the E.J. Pratt Library. The items exhibited are from the ephemera collection donated by Lorne Shields to Victoria University Library. The exhibition runs until February 15, 2016."
"We have an unexpected visitor at the UC Library today: a squirrel! (We have called Animal Services.) @uoftlibraries"
by UC Library
"From the 1880s to 2016: what a great now-and-then remix of @frontcampusuoft by @gordonbelray of @uoftlibraries #tbt "
by UTArchives
"uoftlibraries Exciting new #discovery at #UofT for the new year! U of T #librarians have discovered a long-lost #violin concerto by the #Norwegian #composer Johan Halvorsen."
"uoftlibraries Check out the puppet-tree those creative folks at #OISELibrary dreamed up! Great job! First time we have seen a #ChristmasTree covered in #puppets!
Did you know that the library at #OISE has a large collection of puppets?! Embrace your inner child and go check them out! #UofT #uoftbulletin #exploreuoft #librariesofinstagram #libraries #library #uoftlibraries #christmas2015 #christmasdecorations"
"gersteinlibrary Sweet Bella getting lots of friendly pats today!! #Repost via @uoft ・・・Bella, a ridiculously sweet therapy dog, provided a cuddly "study break to students on the St. George campus today. De-stress with her in the Gerstein Science Information Centre Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 to 1:00pm until December 17. #BellaAtGerstein"
The Media Commons’s archival assistant, Rachel E. Beattie, attended the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) conference in Portland, Oregon last week and live-tweeted some of the sessions and events; you can see all of her tweets and retweets.
"#DYK the #UC motto is "To shed light on that which is obscure." #tbt to 1970 students studying by stained glass"
"utarchives November 18, 1968. Librarians Kay (Catherine) Wales, Alice Moulton, and Maureen Hutchinson at the sod-turning ceremony for the John P. Robarts Research Library."
by utarchives
University of Toronto Libraries
130 St. George St.,Toronto, ON, M5S 1A5
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