Among the standard one-volume Catholic biblical commentaries are the following:
A commentary on a specific book of the Bible goes through that book and comments on each chapter and each verse in order. The vast majority of the Library's commentaries can be taken out. Using the library online catalogue, do a Subject search as follows:
bible <name of book> commentaries
E.g.: bible amos commentaries OR bible matthew commentaries
When you see the results, click on "Sort" (top right) and then "Date-newest". This will re-arrange the results so that the most recently published items appear at the top (rather than nineteenth-century commentaries).
For online commentaries, after sorting by publication date, click on "Online" on the left side.
The following two works list the major commentaries on specific books of the Bible, clearly stating the particular perspective of individual commentaries. In both cases, the writer of the commentary survey comes from an evangelical background.