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Education Studies Research

This guide provides resources for educational research aimed at students enrolled in research programs at OISE.

Are there any resources available to further develop research skills?

University of Toronto Libraries offers an Essential Research Skills series of four workshops, which can be taken individually or together for Co-Curricular Record (CCR) credit. The workshops run several times a year and University of Toronto students may sign up on an ongoing basis. An accompanying Essential Research Skills guide covers the content of all four workshops. These workshops cover:

  • Locating background information
  • Locating scholarly resources
  • Managing sources
  • Applying sources effectively 

The University of Toronto's Centre for Research & Innovation Support offers many asynchronous and synchronous research workshops and resources. 

Who can I contact for further research help?

At OISE we are happy to assist you with your questions. Please find contact information below: 

If you are working on interdisciplinary research, consider reaching out to the liaison librarian in the discipline(s) of interest: 

For immediate text-based support see Ask Chat

Who can I contact for writing support?

A librarian can help you define or narrow your research topic and locate relevant search terms and resources, but they cannot assist with writing and editing your papers. There are a number of supports at the University of Toronto for academic writing, and many opportunities for students who speak and write English as an additional language.

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