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Research Guides

Open Education

A hub for information and links about OER, Open Educational Practices and Pedagogy, and Open Education activities and projects at U of T


H5P logoH5P is a free, open source framework for creating and sharing interactive HTML5 content across platforms that support embedded content. H5P can be integrated into Learning Management Systems such as Canvas, Blackboard and Moodle. There are also H5P plugins for Wordpress and Drupal. H5P and the H5P libraries that are shared on are free and openly licensed.


Pressbooks logoPressbooks is a free, open source book content management system that allows users to author and produce books as ebooks, web-books, and PDFs. Supported formats include EPub, Mobi, HTMLBook, XML and more.

Github & Gitpages

Github logoGitHub is a platform that hosts source code for software development and version control. Developers upload projects to repositories, which contain project files and related descriptions. GitHub supports the hosting of open-source code, with projects on the platform becoming publicly available once they are uploaded. GitHub pages allows users to turn repositories into functioning websites.

Google Docs

Google Docs allow users to easily create, upload, and share educational content. Collaborative functions in Google Docs allow creators to share Docs with up to 200 users at once. Google Docs can also be integrated with Learning Management Site such as Canvas, Blackboard and Moodle.

JupyterHub & JupyterNotebooks

Jupyter logoJupyter is a free, open-source computational environment for supporting data science and scientific computing across all programming languages. Jupyter Notebook This link opens in a new tab is an open-source web application that allows users to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. JupyterHub This link opens in a new tab can be used to serve Jupyter notebooks to multiple users. 


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