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ACMB01: Find Resources for your Final Essay

A library guide to assist you in finding the resources you need to complete your ACMB01 assignments

Encyclopedia - FAQ

Wikipedia is great for background information (overview of your topic, keywords etc). Wikipedia is not a good foundational source for your work. (Entries are of varying quality. Entries are not in-depth sources of information like the academic sources you want to use as key sources for your assignment.)

· Look for other sources of background information? Consider encyclopedias or your course readings:

Why use encyclopedias?  

To find:

  • definitions of terms, keywords
  • background information
  • ideas to start your search

Why avoid encyclopedias?  

Encyclopedias are only meant to give you basic background information to help you understand your topic.

Why use artists/writers/film/director websites? 

To find:

  • Information on artists or films that are very contemporary
  • links/citations to additional sources about the artist/director/film
  • Canadian topics

How are library encyclopedias different from Wikipedia? 

Online and print encyclopedias from the Library have been checked for accuracy and quality.  Wikipedia hasn't although it can often point you in the direction of quality, scholarly information.