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Research Guides

Company Information

Finding information on Canadian, US and international companies.

Business news

To find news and business journals with articles about market trends or sizing, try the following databases:

Trade Publications

Trade publications and business-to-business journals are a good source of current industry news, and may offer industry and market statistics that you can not find elsewhere. Check the source of data in reports to see if you can access more information.

The following databases have excellent coverage of trade publications.

Factiva Search Tips

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There are access restrictions for some Factiva content. You may receive a notice "No results. This may be due to content restrictions." as it is not available to academic accounts. Check the library catalogue for alternate sources for these titles. 

Please note that web news in Factiva is removed on a 90 day basis. This material is freely available web content that is not behind a paywall; other articles are fully indexed and should be available in Factiva if you rerun a search later (unless the content is no longer included in Factiva). Please contact us if you have any questions. 

Our Factiva subscription does not include individual accounts or media monitoring (news alerts, saved searches, etc). It is not available to academic subscriptions. 


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