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Research Guides

ATLA Religion Database

This guide will help you search the ATLA database more effectively.

5a. Saving articles

To save information about a journal article, click on the plus sign (+) to the right.  Once you have saved a citation a yellow folder will display as open. You can find all your saved results in the far-right column (to the right of the result list) or on the top right of the Ebsco page in the yellow folder icon.


5b. Printing, emailing or exporting articles


To retrieve the items you saved, click on the “Folder view’ on the right-hand side of the page, or on the “Folder” icon on the top right-hand tool bar.

From here you can print, email, save, or export the citations. Printing and emailing will also include the PDF attachments of those citations that include full text articles. Exporting means sending the citation information to a program, such as RefWorks, Endnote, Zotero, etc. which you can later use when writing your papers.


When printing, emailing or saving, choose the button for Citation Format and choose Chicago/Turabian: Humanities in order for the citations to be in the proper format. You can then copy and paste the citations you are using for your assignment into the bibliography of your paper.