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Research Guides

WRR302: Writing in Business and the Professions

Writing Help - UofT Writing Centres

College Writing Centres are Here for you!

Book Writing Centre Appointments

  • Are you an Innis College Student? Enrolled in Innis College courses (InnisONE, Urban Studies, Writing & Rhetoric) or Cinema Studies Institute courses? Book an appointment for writing help at Innis College Writing Centre
  • Belong to another College? Book an appointment with your College Writing Centre

Writing Workshops 

  • Writing Plus Workshops: Explore these campus-wide series of academic skills workshops to the University’s entire student body over the school year. All workshops are free.


  • Advice & Handouts on Academic Writing: The advice files on this site answer the kinds of questions that University of Toronto students ask about their written assignments. Most were created by writing instructors here—people who are familiar with U of T expectations.
  • Books on Academic Writing: A selective list of books that will show you how academic writing works and how to engage in it. Many focus on the writing done in particular subject areas.

Citation Style

Quick©ite (University of Auckland)

Quickcite is a citation tool for various format. 

Excelsior Online Writing Lab - Citation Guides

Citing Sources / Create your Bibliography (UofT Libraries Guide)

  • The guide includes links to many helpful online tutorials, style guides, and related documents to help you understand citation practice, and build correct citations for your bibliography.

Writing at the University of Toronto Advice

  • Using sources: How Not to Plagiarize, Standard Documentation Formats,  Using Quotations, Paraphrase and Summary
  • Student PDFs: Developing Coherent Paragraphs, Summarizing, Verbs for Referring to Sources, Wordiness: Danger Signals and Ways to React

Citing Images

The following sites have tips on the type of information you need for you citing images in various citation styles: MLA, APA & Chicago / Turabian style: 

Use Citation Manager to collect your sources and format your citations

There are a variety of Citation Managers to choose from - full list of Citation Managers. However, Zotero is an open source citation manager that is recommended by Innis College Librarian. Feel free to email Kate if you want to discuss the other citation managers. 


Zotero (pronounced "zoh-TAIR-oh") is a program that collects, manages, and cites research sources. It's easy to use, connects to your web browser where you do your work, and best of all it's free.

Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies.

It automatically updates itself periodically to work with new online sources and new bibliographic styles.

Citation Managers - Comparison of features

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