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GGRD25 Geographies of Work & Employment in the GTA

This guide will help you in GGRD25 with finding journal articles, newspaper articles, and credible policy documents for your critical horizon scan assignment.

Finding City Information

Advanced Google Search

You can find city-level reports and neighbourhood information by searching on an internet search engine (such as Google and many others).

Please watch the Google Advanced Search for Reports Giphy and How to Google Like a Pro video for search techniques.

As per the video above, there are several strategies you can employ when performing a Google search. When looking for city-level reports, consider using a combination of these strategies:


You will also want to consider the words you include in your search to identify websites that are most likely to contain useful information.

Below are some examples:

  • Toronto "precarious work"
  • Toronto AND ("gig economy" OR "gig workers" OR caregivers)
  • Toronto AND (microtasking OR "manufacturing)
  • Toronto AND "gig workers" AND (Uber OR "ride share")
  • Toronto AND "gig work" AND fintech

File type

Search for PDF to find reports

Search City Websites

1. Find and go to the city website.

2. Search using keywords in the city website search bar e.g. affordable housing

1. Find and go to the city website.

2. Look for the reports/publications section on the city homepage.

3. Once on the reports page, browse/search for reports on relevant topics and neighbourhoods.