In his 2007 Apostolic exhortation Sacramentum caritatis, Pope Benedict XVI re-affirmed "that the faithful can be taught to recite the more common prayers in Latin".
4a ed. Romae: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999.
This book is a collection of those prayers in Latin to which the Church currently attaches an indulgence. There is also an English translation, Manual of Indulgences: Norms and Grants.
NY: Benziger Brothers, 1957.
This book is a translation of those prayers to which the Church formerly attached indulgences (until 1969). Those prayers which were published in Italian, are presented here only in English; but those prayers which were published in Latin, are presented here in both English and Latin.
Prepared and enjoined by the order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore.
New York: P.J. Kenedy, 1930.
This collection includes many prayers in Latin with side-by-side English translation.