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Education: Children's Literature

This guide provides an overview of The Margo Sandor Children's Literature Collection at the OISE Library.

Pinterest Boards from Doucette Library at the University of Calgary

Compiled by librarian Tammy Flanders, these Pinterest boards list books appropriate to various subjects in mathematics for grades K-6. While compiled in relation to the Doucette Library’s collection, many of these titles can also be found at OISE by searching the catalogue by title, and at the Toronto Public Library. Please note that you may need a Pinterest account to view these resources.


Best Children's Books for Math Learning

Check the resources below to find some of the best math learning book recommendations from across the internet. Search the catalogue by title to see if books are available at OISE.

How to find math literature at the OISE Library

The following instructions will help finding math literature in the Children's Literature collection at the OISE Library.  To find these:

  1. Go to LibrarySearch select "Advanced Search" on the right hand side of the page. 
  2. Under "Search Filters" change "Any Field" to "Subject" and enter "math*" as a search term (note the asterisks). 
  3. Select "Search" in the bottom right hand side. 
  4. Use "Filter your results" on the left hand side to narrow your results. Select "OISE/UT Library" under "Library.”
  5. Select "Mathematics Juvenile Literature" and "Mathematical Recreations" under "Subject."

Examples of other subjects that can be used in Step 3 to search for math literature:

  • Geometry
  • Arithmetic
  • Money
  • Counting

math books for children at OISE Library advanced filters

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