You can book an in-person or online research consultation for 30-60 mins with Diane, the librarian contact for VIC187.
During a consultation we can:
Just email me to book an appointment: and include the following
Drop-in research help is available at the E.J. Pratt Library at the following times:
MON: 9:30am-2:30pm / TUES: 10am-5pm / WED: 1pm-5pm / THURS: 9:30am-11:30am and 2pm-5pm / FRI: 9:30am-4:30pm
During those hours, a Graduate Research Assistant should be available at the library's Research Help/Reference Desk to provide helpful research strategies and suggestions.
"Ask, Chat with a Librarian" online research help via instant messaging is available over extensive hours during the peak times of the fall and winter semesters.
The Writing Centre offers individual consultations by appointment, workshops and online writing handouts.
Writing Centre instructors can look over a rough draft of your paper/assignment or discuss your assignment and a plan for the structure and organization of your writing.
To book an appointment with a Writing Centre instructor: