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CRTD43 - Curating Contemporary Art

A libguide outlining various sources that you might need for research and writing in the course - Curating Contemporary Art

Library Pickup Service

UTSC Library Pickup Service

As the library partially reopens for the 2020 fall semester, a pickup service for print books not available through the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) is available. Students, faculty and staff are eligible to use this service. Initially, the service will only provide access to books housed in the UTSC Library stacks and not collections located in The BRIDGE Library. 

Please click here for full instructions. 

Hathi Trust and COVID-19

HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service


Hathi Trust


The University of Toronto is now a participant in the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS). This means that during the U of T library closure due to COVID-19, current students and faculty can read digitized versions of more than 2.5 million of the library’s in-copyright print books that have been deposited in the HathiTrust Digital Library. 

The Emergency Temporary Access Service enables:    

  • Students, faculty and staff to log in to HathiTrust and view all books published before 2004 that HathiTrust has verified as being held in U of T Libraries' print collection, even if in copyright.   

  • Students, faculty and staff to read and search these books online. Books cannot be downloaded in full.    

  • For each copy of a work in our collection, one simultaneous checkout will be allowed.

  • To learn more about the ETAS service, after logging into HathiTrust, select Help from the top menu and search for "ETAS information for users".

The ETAS collection will only be available while our physical libraries are closed.  

For full instructions on how to access Hathi Trust resources, see the this link.

Subject Headings and Call Numbers

Find books relevant to your area of study by searching the "call number," also knows as a physcial address of where the books are located in the library AND topic group it belongs to.