Research Guides and Subject Guides can help you to identify relevant article-databases for your topic
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1. EBSCO- a compilation of databases including
2. PROQUEST - includes 126 databases, including:
LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts)
Proquest sample search: semiotics and umbrellas
Results include entries ranging from the "umbrella movement" to the meaning of umbrellas in literature. For example:
Comic Umbrellas – literature – meaning
"The umbrella which the "shabby genteel" man used to invade the personal space of upper-class ladies (note the mention of the private carriage), might in fact have been the very item that gave him access to a respectable art gallery in the first place. It represents not just a sexual perversion, but also a perversion of the semiotics of class."
3. JSTOR - an interdisciplinary database
4. PROJECT MUSE - an interdisciplinary database focussing on Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts