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Research Guides

CIN211: Science Fiction Film

Where to Start?

Search for Science Fiction Films


Explore Oxford Bibliographies for Important Films, Filmmakers & Research

Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO)These links will take you to annotated bibliographies that highlight key resources (books, book chapters, essays, articles, reviews) on the topic, but more are added each year). 

Look up the resources using the UofT LibrarySearch. If you need help in accessing the materials, explore this FAQ page, connect with online help through Ask a Librarian, or contact Cinema Studies Librarian, Kate Johnson

Find & view films (stream, DVD, Blu-ray)

Screen your Films

a) Find films with UofT LibrarySearch (Online or BluRay/DVDs)

  • Go to the Advanced LibrarySearch
  • On the far right, find Format dropdown menu and select Video/Film
  • Options for Search
    • By Title: Enter the film title in the search field. Remember you can use quotations marks to search for exact phrases (e.g., "Invasion of the Body Snatchers") 
    • By Subject:  In the first search dropdown menu, select Subject. Add "science fiction" in the search field (include the quotation marks). 
  • Click Search in the bottom of the search box. 
  • On the search results page, look at the left side for Show Only filter and select either Online for streaming or In Library for DVD or BluRays to borrow. 

b) UofT Streaming Collections 

c) Don't have a DVD or BluRay Player?

  • On the 3rd Floor of Robarts Library, you can use the viewing stations for DVDs, Blu-rays, and Video Cassettes. At this time, 4K players aren't yet available.
  • Visit Robarts service desk on the main floor close to St. George, and borrow technology
    • earphones for the viewing stations
    • external disc drives that you can borrow to view the film on your computer
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