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Labour & Income
Year book of labour statistics (ILO) 1935 -2009 Includes consumer price indices (cost of living indexes), employment, wages, hours of work, labour cost, economically active population, unemployment, strikes and lockout, occupational injuries Bulletin of Labour Statistics (ILO) 1965 - 2009 (Holding incomplete) Provides annual data for the past 10 years and monthly and quarterly data for a period of three years The second quarter issue also contains data on wagesm monthly salaries and normal hours of work per week for employees in a few selected occupations OECD Employment Outlook 1983 - 2013 Online , 2002+ (OECDiLibrary)Benefits and wages 2002, 2004, 2007 Online (OECDiLibrary)Monthly Labor Review (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) 1915-2007 Contains international comparison data Online , 1915 - present (holding incomplete)Taxing wages 1998/99 - 2011/12 Online , 2010+ (OECDiLibrary)