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VIC 159 - Rare Books Seminar (Spring 2016)

VIC 159 is a Vic One 100 Special Topics Seminar taught by President William Robins, Spring 2016

Ensure Copyright Compliance

If the item is in public domain you can use the item but still make sure you cite it appropriately.

If the item is still under copyright, then ask the copyright owner for permission to use the image in your public exhibition. Sometimes this can take a long time and you might need to choose a different item to use in your exhibition.

If you are granted one-time use permission, remember that if you are publishing/posting the image in another location or format you will need to obtain permission for each use or all usage.

Note: the repository that houses the item does not always own copyright. For example, a publisher or illustrator might own copyright on book covers. In this case, you would need to obtain permission from the copyright owner before including the image in your exhibition.

If you think that Victoria University Library is the copyright owner, please complete our online "Permission to Publish" form.

Omeka & Copyright

Please see "SECTION 9. COPYRIGHT" of OMEKA's Terms of Service