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Vatican II

Finding More Resources

If you are looking in the University of Toronto Libraries catalog for books on a particular topic at Vatican II, do a “Subject” search for “Vatican Council 2nd” and add another search line (either Subject or Keyword) for your topic.

If you are looking in the University of Toronto Libraries catalog for books about a particular document, know that the sixteen documents of Vatican II are listed under their official titles (e.g. Constitutio dogmatica de Ecclesia), not under their common Latin titles (e.g. Lumen gentium). Do a “Subject” search for “Vatican Council 2nd”.  followed by the official title of the document.

For Dei verbum (On Divine Revelation), search for Vatican Council 2nd Constitutio dogmatica de divina revelatione
For Lumen gentium (On the Church), search for Vatican Council 2nd Constitutio dogmatica de ecclesia
For Sacrosanctum concilium (On the Sacred Liturgy), search for Vatican Council 2nd Constitutio de sacra liturgia
For Gaudium et spes (On the Church in the Moderrn World), search for Vatican Council 2nd Constitutio pastoralis de ecclesia in mundo huius temporis
For Gravissimum educationis (On Christian Education), search for Vatican Council 2nd Declaratio de educatione christiana
For Nostra aetate (On the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions), search for Vatican Council 2nd Declaratio de Ecclesiae habitudine ad religiones non-christianas
For Dignitatis humanae (On the Right of the Person and of Communities to Social and Civil Freedom in Matters Religious), search for Vatican Council 2nd Declaratio de libertate religiosa
For Ad gentes (On the Missionary Activity of the Church), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de activitate missionali Ecclesiae
For Presbyterorum ordinis (On the Ministry and Life of Priests), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de presbyterorum ministerio et vita
For Apostolicam actuositatem (On the Apostolate of the Laity), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de apostolatu laicorum
For Optatam totius (On Priestly Training), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de institutione sacerdotali
For Perfectae caritatis (On the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de accommodata renovatione vitae religiosae
For Christus Dominus (On the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de pastorali episcoporum munere in Ecclesia
For Unitatis redintegratio (On Ecumenism), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de oecumenismo
For Orientalium ecclesiarum (On the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de Ecclesiis Orientalibus Catholicis
For Inter mirifica (On the Media of Social Communications), search for Vatican Council 2nd Decretum de instrumentis communicationis socialis