A concordance is an alphabetical list of all the words in a work. It can be used to locate a known passage or to learn how a particular word or concept is used in the documents of the Council.
Edited by Philippe Delhaye, Michel Gueret, and Paul Tombeur.
Louvain: CETEDOC, 1974.
A concordance citing the use of each Latin word in context from all the Council documents. Because this work was created by a computer, forms of the same word (e.g. libertas, libertate, libertatem) are listed separately.
Bologna: Isitituo per le Scienze religiose di Bologna, 1978.
Each volume of this set cites the use of each Latin word in context from one single Council document (e.g. from Dei verbum). Forms of the same word are listed together under the dictionary form (e.g. capite and capitibus are listed under “caput”).
Edited by H. Tardif and G. Pelloquin.
Collection “Concile et Masses”. Paris: Les Editions Ouvrieres, 1969.
A French-language word-index which cites paragraph numbers.