FADIS is learning management and courseware system developed for image based teaching of art and architecture. The goal of FADIS is the creation of a freely available common repository and delivery system for education and research available to contributing institutions. FADIS contains more than 100,000 images for use in the arts, architecture and general humanities.
Students can access complete course information where faculty make it available. Image lectures can be viewed online and downloaded as PDFs containing thumbnail images, image data and any lecture notes added by their instructor. In addition, students can view handouts and download any files posted to their course, view syllabi and access any external resources which are automatically generated as hyperlinks. Course syllabi are also available as PDF format.
Faculty can make lecture carousels associated with a particular course using the carousel tool. Carousels can contain an unlimited number of images, can be public or privately available, duplicated and shared with other courses (please note that to share a carousel with a different FADIS account requires Administrative assistance).
Access is restricted to faculty, students, and staff of each participating institution. All content is to be used for the purpose of private study, research, criticism, and review. It is the user's responsibility to operate within and to observe the copyright laws of Canada.
The University of Toronto subscribes to the large database of image collections. Go to the Digital Image Library to begin your search. ArtStor is a digital library that includes more than 2 million high-quality images for education and research from a wide variety of contributors around the world.