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VIC 170

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What is Citation Impact?


Citation analysis

  • Citation analysis can be used to determine the citation impact of authors, articles, and journals.  Beyond basic citation counts, there are measures such as the h-index and the g-index which are used to quantify the impact of an individual author.

Journal impact factor

Qualitative measures

  • Qualitative measures are output measures that are not easily quantifyable numerically. These may include stakeholder interviews, resource surveys, user feedback, focus groups, and questionnnaires,  that will capture information about the cycle of usage and impact.

Use/download data

  • Another method of assessing citation impact is to employ usage data such as the number of downloads for an article.  Researchers are now looking at whether download statistics could be used to predict future citations (SLU).

Scientometrics 2.0

  • There is a growing movement calling for the measurement of scholarly impact drawn from Web 2.0 data.  Given that researcher participation in Web 2.0 tools is not insignificant, and is likely to grow as the "born-digital" generation move toward and into tenured positions, social Web metrics may become increasingly influential (Priem and Hemminger, 2010).

U of T Licensed Citation Impact Tools

Citation Impact Tools on the Public Web

Learn More About Citation Impact

Citation Impact and Open Access

What is the effect of Open Access on citations to articles?

  • A number of studies have now proved that there is a measurable increase in citation impact for open access articles.  The size of the increase varies and depends on the year and on the discipline (Swan & Chan, 2009).

This chronological bibliography focuses on the relationship between open access and impact.