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Education: K-12 Teaching Resources

This guide provides recommended K-12 teaching resources for students enrolled in the Master of Teaching and Master of Arts in Child Study and Education programs at OISE.

Curriculum Resources Collection

The Curriculum Resources Collection, located on the 3rd floor of the OISE Library, contains over 28,000 items to support K-12 curriculum and instruction in all subject areas. The collection includes books, textbooks, teachers' guides, films, activity kits, puppets, models, lesson plans, and a variety of other resources. The Curriculum Resources collection also includes Ontario Curriculum documents and textbooks included in the Ministry of Education’s Trillium List.

What's a manipulative?

A manipulative is a tangible object such as a cube, prism, or solar system model that students can manipulate to acquire a deeper understanding of a concept. Other examples include puppets, games, and kits.

The OISE Library's Curriculum Resources Collection contains over 600 manipulatives to support K-12 teaching and learning in all subject areas. Most of these are included in the OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives Database

The OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives Database organizes manipulatives from our collection based on the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum documents. Collections are organized into subject areas (e.g. Arts, Mathematics, Science & Technology) and strands (e.g. Arts: Music, Arts: Drama).


geometric solids manipulatives kit


How to find curriculum resource materials

To find items in the Curriculum Resources Collection:

  1. Search the UTL catalogue by topic. For example, geometry.
  2. Narrow search results by library to OISE.
  3. Narrow search results by library location to Curriculum Resources
  4. Optional: Narrow search results further by format to select for specific types of curriculum resources (e.g., Maps, Kits, Toys, Games, etc.).

Or use the link below to take you to a pre-filtered LibrarySearch page for OISE's Curriculum Resources. Replace the “*” in the search bar with your own keywords to refine your search and focus on specific topics or areas of interest.