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Toronto, Ontario

A guide to help students find information about Toronto, Ontario.

Major News Indexes

ProQuest Newspapers

Indexes, with full-text coverage, over 700 Canadian, U.S., and international news publications. Good representation from the English-speaking world.
Includes the following two Canadian subfiles:

  • Canadian Newsstand

    Offers full-text coverage of 21 major Canadian newspapers, including The Globe and Mail, The National Post, and The Toronto Star.
  • CBCA Current Events

    Indexes over 50 Canadian newspapers, magazines, and television news programs.


Factiva is a global and multilingual news and business information resource, providing full-text access to Dow Jones Interactive and Reuters Business Briefing. Indexes the following major Canadian news publications:

  • Globe and Mail
  • Toronto Star
  • National Post

Globe and Mail - Canada's Heritage from 1844

A uniquely valuable retrospective on Canada from its earliest periods to the end of the 20th century. Users can search a pdf rendering of the Globe and Mail by word/phrase or date, and within each option specify section, page content, and start date (searches are conducted in 5-year intervals). Within the word/phrase search page, it is also possible to perform a keyword, exact phrase, or Boolean search.

Example: Searching the exact phrase penal reform in the News section produces 6 hits from 1881 to 1884, one of which discusses, at length, a conference on prison reform.

For additional assistance in accessing newspapers and other news media, please consult the Newspapers Research Guide


Local Media



CBC - Metro Morning

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Posted Toronto - Podcast

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CBC - Toronto

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The Toronto Star - Toronto & GTA

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Globe & Mail - Toronto News

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Canadian Newstand

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