Indexes, with full-text coverage, over 700 Canadian, U.S., and international news publications. Good representation from the English-speaking world.
Includes the following two Canadian subfiles:
Factiva is a global and multilingual news and business information resource, providing full-text access to Dow Jones Interactive and Reuters Business Briefing. Indexes the following major Canadian news publications:
Globe and Mail - Canada's Heritage from 1844
A uniquely valuable retrospective on Canada from its earliest periods to the end of the 20th century. Users can search a pdf rendering of the Globe and Mail by word/phrase or date, and within each option specify section, page content, and start date (searches are conducted in 5-year intervals). Within the word/phrase search page, it is also possible to perform a keyword, exact phrase, or Boolean search.
Example: Searching the exact phrase penal reform in the News section produces 6 hits from 1881 to 1884, one of which discusses, at length, a conference on prison reform.
For additional assistance in accessing newspapers and other news media, please consult the Newspapers Research Guide
University of Toronto Scarborough Library
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4 Canada
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