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Researrrrch Guides

Finding Market Research Reports

A guide to market research resources available at U of T.

Market Research Reports

The library licenses a number of market research databases.  The reports in these databases, which normally retail for $3,000-$10,000 each, are free for our students.

Additional Resources

If you've found a report online that we do not subscribe to, we will not purchase it for you.  Review the table of contents and use it as a list of information to compile to create your own report. Demographics information is available through the Data Library and you can use our databases to find industry information and statistics.

The links below can also help you compile information for your own report.

Research Tips

The MHL is only able to license a small fraction of the market research reports that are published.  For reports we don't have access to, you may be able to find a summary in a press release or news article.  Try searching the databases in the list below.