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Research Guides

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

A research guide to help you get started with SoTL projects and searching the literature.

A to I

Active Learning in Higher Education - UK - 2000 - current

Focuses on all aspects of developments, innovations and good practice in higher education teaching and learning worldwide, including the use of information and communication technologies.

American Educational Research Journal - US - 1964 - current

Reports original research, both empirical and theoretical, and brief synopses of research.

British Educational Research Journal - UK - 1975 - current

Publishes research articles on education throughout the world.

Cambridge Journal of Education - UK - 1971 - current

Publishes original refereed articles on all aspects of education with a particular emphasis on work that contributes to shared understanding among academic researchers, theorists, practicing teachers, policy-makers and educational administrators.

Canadian Journal of Career Development - Canada - 2002 - current

Publishes multi-sectoral career-related academic research and best practices from Canada and around the world.

Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CJSoTL) - Canada - 2010 - current

Articles relevant to the Canadian context that shed new light on the teaching and learning interests of post-secondary education in Canada, including quantitative and/or qualitative research reports and essays examining issues in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Canadian Journal of Higher Education - Canada - 1971 - current

Presents original research in the field of higher education in Canada and abroad.

College Teaching - US - 1953 - current

Focuses on how teachers can improve student learning.

College Quarterly - Canada - 1993 - 2019

Examines college and further education issues and the professional development of college educators.

Comparative Education - UK - 1964 - current

Provides challenging theoretical and methodological issues and also considers the implications of comparative studies for the formation and implementation of policies.

Comparative Education Review - US - 1957 - current

Publishes interdisciplinary research on educational policies and problems throughout the world, covering practical, theoretical, and methodological issues.

Currents in Teaching and Learning - US - 2008 - current

Contains short reports on classroom practices as well as longer research, theoretical or conceptual studies, and explorations of issues and challenges facing teachers today.

Curriculum Inquiry  - US - 1976 - current

Studies curriculum research, development and evaluation. Also covers school reform, educational theory and practice, and classrooms and teaching.

Education Research and Perspectives - Australia - 2000 - current 

Presents articles on all aspects of education research and perspectives.

Educational Review  - UK - 1948 - current

Publishes articles and report research across a range of education fields including curriculum, inclusive and special education, educational psychology, policy, management and international and comparative education.

Educational Philosophy and Theory - UK - 1969 - current

Provides articles concerned with all aspects of educational philosophy.

Educational Research - UK - 1958 - current

Presents research findings in all levels of education from policy-making to classroom teaching

Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice - UK - 1995 - current

Publishes research from all nations relating to the practice of education and communicates findings from many perspectives, national contexts and methodologies.

Harvard Educational Review - US - 1964 - current

Provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about the educational field's most vital issues.

Higher Education Research & Development (HERDSA) - Australia - 1982 - current

Includes empirical, theoretical, philosophical and historical articles and essays that address higher education in any of its dimensions. 

Innovations in Education and Teaching International - UK - 2001 - current

Presents topics and issues relevant to educational and training technology.

Innovative Higher Education  - Netherlands - 1983 - current

Presents professional and scholarly information and encourages creative practices relevant to the higher education field

Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning - US - 2011 - 2014 (ceased publication in 2014)

Focus on special education, general education, bilingual education, cultural and linguistic diversity, innovative methods in teaching, assessment, exemplary programs, assistive and instructional technology, educational leadership and reform, public policy, current issues and practices, and research relevant to education.

International Education  - US - 1972 - 2015 (ceased publication in 2015)

Covers the humanistic concerns of world education, including problems, issues, and practices that cut across and relate to all levels of international educational policies and practices.

International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives - Australia - 1999 - current

Education is interpreted in a wide manner and includes human development, learning, school education, formal and informal education, tertiary and vocational education, industry training and lifelong learning.

International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ijSOTL) - US - 2007 - current

Contains articles, essays, and discussions on the scholarship of teaching and learning and applications in higher/tertiary education today.

International Journal of Educational Research  - UK - 1986 - current

Covers results of importance for educational policy, practice, and research.

International Journal of Learning - US - 2005 - 2020

Provides a forum for researchers, teachers, higher degree students, educators and educational managers, administrators and for anyone with an interest in the nature and future of learning.

International Journal of Progressive Education - US - 2005 - current

Takes an interdisciplinary approach to its general aim of promoting an open and continuing dialogue about the current educational issues and future conceptions of educational theory and practice in an international context.

International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - US - 2005 - current

Provides a forum for higher education faculty, staff, administrators, researchers, and students who are interested in improving post-secondary instruction.

International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning - New Zealand- 2000 - current

Uses the educational approach of work-integrated learning (WIL) to allow students to integrate theory with the meaningful practice of work. Practices covered include cooperative education, internships, practicums, simulations, digital WIL, work-related projects and service learning. Previous title: Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education

J to Z

Journal of Classroom Interaction - US - 1966 - current 

Covers the empirical investigations and theoretical papers dealing with observation techniques, research on student and teacher behavior, and other issues relevant to the domain of classroom interaction. Previous title: Classroom Interaction Newsletter.

Journal of College and Character - Germany - 2000 - current

Focuses on how colleges and universities influence the moral and civic learning and behaviors of college students.

Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships - US - 2011 - 2013 (ceased publication in 2013)

Covers experiential education that focuses on internships, cooperative education and work integrated learning.

The Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education - US - 2011 - 2017 2018 - current

Aims to promote discussion on teaching excellence in colleges and universities. Previous title: The Journal of Effective Teaching. 

Journal of Experiential Education - US - 1978 - current

Provides a diverse range of articles in subject areas such as outdoor adventure programming, service learning, environmental education, therapeutic applications, research and theory.

Journal of Experimental Education - US - 1932 - current

Publishes theoretical, laboratory, and classroom research studies that involve a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Journal of Further and Higher Education  - UK - 1977 - current

Topic areas include management and administration, teacher education and training, curriculum, staff and institutional development, and teaching and learning strategies and processes.

Journal of Higher Education - US - 1930 - current

Investigates issues of higher education teaching, administration, evaluation, and management.

Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement - US - 1996 - current

Advances theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement between higher education institutions and communities.

Journal of Learning Spaces - US - 2011 - current

Publishes research articles, case studies, and position pieces related to all aspects of learning space design, operation, pedagogy, and assessment.  

Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - US - 2000 - current

Contains articles on teaching and learning processes at colleges and universities.

Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice - Australia - 2004 - current

Aims to provide a forum for educational practitioners in a wide range of disciplines to communicate their teaching and learning outcomes in a scholarly way. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between journals covering purely academic research and more pragmatic articles and opinions published elsewhere.

Journal on Excellence in College Teaching - US - 2012 - 2014

Forum for faculty to share proven, innovating teaching in colleges and universities.

Learning and Individual Differences - UK - 1989 - current

Designed to publishing articles that make a substantial contribution to an understanding of individual differences within an educational context.

Learning and Instruction - UK - 1991 - current

Presents papers and review articles on the processes of learning, development, instruction, and teaching representing a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches.

Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning - US - 1994 - current

Publishes articles on research, theory, pedagogy, and other issues related to academic (curriculum-based) service-learning in higher education.

MountainRise - US - 2007 - 2013

Its purpose is to be an international vehicle for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning.

Mind, Brain, and Education  - US - 2007 - current

Covers brain and behavioral issues relevant to the broad field of education..

Research in Higher Education  - Netherlands - 1973 - current

Features original theoretical and in-depth empirical research about the functioning of post-secondary educational institutions.

Review of Educational Research - US - 1931 - current

Contains integrative reviews and interpretations of the research literature on substantive and methodological issues.

Review of Higher Education - US - 1977 - current

Articles, essays, and reviews discuss issues affecting higher education.

Simulation and Gaming - US - 1970 - current

Exploring simulation and gaming methodologies used in education, training, consultation and research.

Studies in Higher Education (SRHE) - UK - 1976 - current

Covers empirically based, reflective and synoptic articles dealing with any aspect of higher education, approached from any perspective or discipline.

Summer Academe - US - 2003 - current

Includes case studies, research, and administrative and pedagological issues relating to summer sessions

Teachers College Record - US - 1999 - current

Research, analysis, and commentary on a broad range of issues and topics in the field of education.

Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal - US - 2013 - current

Publishes research, theory, commentary, and other scholarly works that document or facilitate investigations of teaching and learning in higher education.

Teaching in Higher Education - UK - 1996 - current

Addresses the roles of teaching, learning and the curriculum in higher education in order to explore and clarify the intellectual challenges which they present.

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