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Research Guides

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

A research guide to help you get started with SoTL projects and searching the literature.


Anthropology & Education Quarterly - US - 1970 - current

Gerontology & Geriatrics Education - US - 1985 - current

Teaching Anthropology - UK - 2011 - current


The Journal of Aesthetic Education - US - 1966 - current

Arts & Humanities

Arts and Humanities in Higher Education - UK - 2002 - current


Advances in Physiology Education - US - 1989 - current

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education - US - 1972 - current

Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching - US - 1975 - current

CBE Life Sciences Education US - 2002 - current (name changed in 2005 from Cell Biology Education)

Journal of Biological Education  - US - 1967 - current

Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education - US - 2000 - current

Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology (TIEE)  - US - 2004 - current

The American Biology Teacher - US - 1938 - current


Chemistry Education Research and Practice - UK - 2000 - current

Journal of Chemical Education - US - 1924 - current


Teaching Classical Languages - 2009 - current

The Classical Journal - 1905 - current

The Classical World - 1957 - current

The Journal of Classics Teaching - 2016 - current 

Transactions of the American Philological Association (TAPA) - 1974 - 2014 (ceased publication in 2014)


Communication Education - US - 1952 - current (name changed in 1976 from The Speech Teacher)

Journalism & Mass Communication Educator  - US - 1967- current

Computer Science

ACM Transactions on Computing Education - US - 2001 - current (name changed in 2009 from Journal of Education Resources in Computing)

ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) - International - Various years/Conferences (Click on the tab Publication Archive to find specific conference proceedings)

Computer Science Education - UK - 1988 - current


Journal of Dental Education - US - 2001-current


International Review of Economics Education - UK - 2003 - current

Journal of Economic Education - US - 1969 - current


Computer Applications in Engineering Education - US - 1992 - current

Education for Chemical Engineers - UK - 2006 - current

European Journal of Engineering Education - UK - 1975 - current

IEEE Transactions on Education - US - 1963 - current

International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Education - UK - 1963 - current

International Journal of Engineering Education - Ireland - 1991 - current

Journal of Civil Engineering Education - US - 1985 - current (name changed in 2020 from Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice)

Journal of Engineering Education - US - 1996 - current


College English - US - 1939 - 2019 1962 - current

Pedagogy - US - 2001 - current

Research in the Teaching of English - US - 1967 - current


Journal of Environmental Education  - US - 1971 - current

Journal of Geography - US - 1902 - current

Journal of Geography in Higher Education - US - 1977 - current


Journal of Geoscience Education- US - 1997 - current


Teaching History - UK - 1969 - current

Teaching History: A Journal of Methods - US - 1976 - current

The History Teacher - US - 1967 - current

Indigenous Studies

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples - NZ - 2005 - current

Canadian Journal of Native Education - CA - 1991 - 2019 (ceased publication in 2019)

WINHEC: International Journal of Indigenous Education Scholarship - CA - 2005 - current

The Canadian Journal of Native Studies - CA - 2005 - current

Kinesiology & Physical Education

European Physical Education Review - UK - 1995 - current

Journal of Teaching in Physical Education - US - 1981 - current

Quest - US - 1963 - current

The Physical Educator - US - 1980 - current


Foreign Language Annals - US - 1967 - current

IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching - Germany - 1963 - current

Language Learning Journal - UK - 1990 - current

Language Teaching - UK - 1968 - current

Pedagogy - US - 2001 - current

The Canadian modern language review/ La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes  - Canada - 1944 - current

The Modern Language Journal - US - 1916 - current

TESOL Quarterly - US - 1967 - current


Journal of Criminal Justice Education  - UK - 1990 - current

Journal of Legal Education - US - 1948 - current


International Journal of Management Education - UK - 2012 - current

Journal of Management Education - US - 1975 - current

Mathematics and Statistics

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics - US - 1976 - current

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education - US - 1970 - current

Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education - US - 1993 - current (name changed in 2021 from Journal of Statistics Education)

Mathematics and Computer Education - US - 1997-2016

Mathematics Education Research Journal - Netherlands - 1997 - current

PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies - US - 1991 - current

Statistics Education Research Journal - Netherlands - 1987 - 2020 2021 - current

The Mathematics Teacher - US - 1908 - current


Academic Medicine - US - 1926 - current

BMC Medical Education - UK - 2001 - current

Medical Education - UK - 1966 - current

Medical Education Online - UK - 1966 - current

Medical Teacher - UK - 1979 - current

Teaching and Learning in Medicine - US - 1989 - current



British Journal of Music Education - UK - 1997 - current

Contributions to Music Education - US - 1972 - current 

International Journal of Music Education - UK - 1983 - current

Music Education Research - UK - 1999 - current

Music Educators Journal - US - 1914 - current



International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship - Germany - 2004 - current

Journal of Nursing Education - US - 1962 - 2011

Nurse Educator - US - 1976 - current


American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education - US - 2004 - current


Metaphilosophy - UK - 1970 - current

Teaching Philosophy - US - 1975 - current


Physical Review: Physics Education Research - US - 2005 - current

Physics Education - UK - 1966 - current

The American Journal of Physics - US - 1933 - current

The Physics Teacher - US - 1963 - current

Political Science

Journal of Political Science Education - US - 2005 - current

PS: Political Science & Politics - UK - 1968 - current


British Journal of Educational Psychology - UK - 1997 - current

Cognition and Instruction - US - 1984 - current

Educational Psychologist - US - 1963 - current

Journal of Educational Psychology - US - 1910 - current

Journal of Instructional Psychology - US - 1990 - 2014 (ceased publication in 2014)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology - US - 2014 - current

Teaching of Psychology - US - 1974 - current

Public Health

 Health Education Research - US - 1986 - current

Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior - US - 2001 - current

Learning in Health and Social Care - UK - 2002-2009 (ceased publication in 2009)


Journal of Adult Theological Education (JATE) - UK - 2004 - 2016 (ceased publication in 2016)

Religious Education - US - 1906 - current

Teaching Theology and Religion - UK - 1998 - current


Advances in Health Sciences Education - Netherlands - 1996 - current

Anatomical Sciences Education - US - 2008 - current

International Journal of Science Education - UK - 1987 - current

Journal of College Science Teaching - US - 1971 - current

Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching - US - 1981 - current

Journal of Research in Science Teaching - US - 1963 - current

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Netherlands - 1992 - current

Research in Science and Technological Education - UK - 1985 - current

Science and Education - Netherlands - 1992 - current

Science Education - US - 1930 - current 

Social Sciences

Learning and Teaching - UK - 2008 - current

Social Work

Journal of Social Work Education - US - 1985 - current

Journal of Teaching in Social Work - US - 1987 - current

Social Work Education - UK - 1981 - current


British Journal of Sociology of Education - UK - 1980 - current

Sociology of Education - US - 1963 - current

Teaching Sociology - US - 1973 - current

Women & Gender Studies

Feminist Teacher - US - 1984 - 2018 (ceased publication in 2018)