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GGRA02: Geographies of Global Processes

This guide will assist students in GGRA02 with exploring academic integrity and finding relevant resources for their research essay.

Learning Outcomes

Workshop 1: Academic Integirty

Information Has Value 

  • You will describe and apply how to give credit to the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation. 

Authority is Constructed and Contextual  

  • You will acknowledge you are developing your own authoritative voices in a particular area and recognize the responsibilities this entails, including seeking accuracy and reliability, respecting intellectual property, and participating in communities of practice. 

Workshop 2: Library Research Race

Search Strategies 

  • You will identify a list of keywords specific to your topic in order to retrieve relevant books and articles in a library database for your research assignment.  

  • You will learn to design and refine search needs and search strategies as necessary and based on search results.    

Activity: The 5 minute RACE...for the perfect article

Key Resources

Get Help

Your Liaison Librarian is always ready to help. Their contact information is available in the sidebar to the left side of the screen. You can submit requests for one-on-one research consultations by email with 24 hours notice.

For times when your librarian is unavailable, here are some other options for help with your research assignments:

Library Basics

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