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FSC100 The Real CSI

Introduction to research in forensic science

The Library Search

The LibrarySearch searches through all the journals and e-books at the UofT Libraries. Unlike many specialized databases, it allows you to limit to peer-reviewed journals right away.

Start by typing in an important search term, like CSI effect, into the search box:

library search interface

Remember to narrow the search down to just articles in journals. Otherwise, you will get many book chapters.

Filter your results to peer-reviewed journal articles next:

library search peer-reviewed article option

Finally, when reviewing your results (all should be available online!), remember to select articles that fit the context of forensic science research. While some psychology, sociology, criminology, and certainly legal scholarship research will fit your needs, you have to do some critical thinking when selecting the articles you will use.

forensic science context is important


Interdisciplinary Article Databases

Scopus is less intuitive than the Library Search, but with practice you can get many relevant results. Just remember that in Scopus you use the " " to get an approximate match, not the exact match. An exact match is achieved with curly brackets, like this: {CSI effect}. The " " search will always get you more results than an exact search.

scopus search example

As with the LibrarySearch and Web of Science, you have to look for the forensic science context:

forensic science context in Scopus


Subject databases like Web of Science give more search options. Using proximity operators such as NEAR/n makes searches with common terms like "CSI effect" and "forensic", or, as shown below, "face" and "recognition" or "identification" more flexible:

Web of Science searching

In Web of Science, as in Scopus, it is possible to evaluate articles based on their use by the scientific community. You can look at the Times Cited and Usage Count to see which articles are getting used by other researchers:

WoS usage