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VIC162H: Ideas & Their Consequences—Literary & Artistic Realms of the Imagination

Research tools, resources, and strategies for the students enrolled in the course during the 2024–2025 academic year, taught by Professor Robert Davidson.

Finding Journal Articles

MGustave Doré, illustration for Miguel Cervantes' Don QuixoteLA International Bibliography

The index is compiled by the Modern Language Association (MLA), an organization dedicated to the study and teaching of language and literature.

Includes book chapters, journal articles, and Web sites related to literature from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. Publications on literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts (film, radio, television, theatre), and folklore can also be found in the index.


Literature Resource Center

Full-text literary criticism and reviews of the novels (and many others literary and poetic works), in addition to biographical information on authors and overviews of their works. An excellent, comprehensive online resource for all students of literature and poetry.

Additional Resources

Major research databases are arranged alphabetically by discipline on the University of Toronto Libraries web site, including:


Lead image: Gustave Doré (1832–1883), illustration for Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote, “A world of disorderly notions, picked out of his books, crowded into his imagination,” (1863).

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