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UofT Scarborough - Transitional Year Program

Getting Started

Here are a few tips to help get you started searching in the library.

  • Download Full-Text Articles: Download full-text articles from the Library website.   Can't find full-text from the Library?   Don't pay to get them elsewhere!   Ask for help at the Library.

  • T-card is Your Library Card: Use your T-card to borrow resources.

  • Access Library Resources from Off-campus:  Working off-campus?   Use your UTORid and passwords to access online Library resources.


LibrarySearch provides access to library collections in print and digital formats including books, articles, videos, maps, government documents, music, data sets, and more. You can also discover materials that are not available at U of T but that you can request for free through interlibrary loan.

To learn more about LibrarySearch, visit our LibrarySearch Tips Guide or ask a librarian.

Build Your Search Strategy

Google Scholar

Searches scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including books, articles, abstracts, and theses, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites.

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