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UofT Scarborough - Transitional Year Program

Welcome to UTSC Library!

The purpose of this page is to help you learn about UTSC Library.  Use the navigational menu to explore this page. 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. You will discuss how you can get help and where to find information about various library services. 

  1. You will plan a search using keywords and Boolean.  

  1. You will practice searching in Library Search with an example topic. 

Key Resources

Ask Chat

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Get research help from anywhere! Select the "Ask! Chat with a librarian" icon to start a chat session. We can help you:

  • Find sources about a topic
  • Locate a specific book or article
  • Use library services, resources, and tools effectively

January 6 - April 11th

  • Monday-Thursday: 10am-10pm
  • Friday: 10am-5pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: 12pm-6pm
  • SERVICE CLOSURES: Monday, February 17


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