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Research Guides

United Church of Canada

A guide for finding resources on the United Church of Canada

Internet Resources on the United Church

United Church of Canada (homepage)

Broadview (formerly The United Church Observer) (magazine)

United Church Archives

United Church Resource Distribution (UCRD) "Browse and shop for United Church-produced books, e-books, DVDs, CDs, and merchandise, plus Bibles, recommended reads, and church supplies."

Touchstone (journal on the United Church's theology & faith)

The Basis of Union (1925) -The Basis of Union is the formal document of The United Church of Canada outlining its doctrine, polity, ministry, and administration, as approved by the denominations (Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregational) that merged to form The United Church of Canada in 1925.

A Statement of Faith (1940) -The doctrines of The United Church were formulated as the Basis of Union - the Church's "constitution" - in 1925 and were amplified in the Statement of Faith published by the Church in 1940.

A Song of Faith: A Statement of Faith of The United Church of Canada (2006) -Is a statement of faith that honours the diversity of the church and acknowledges its place in a pluralistic world, in an ongoing and developing tradition of faith.

Handbooks and Guidelines of the United Church

The Apologies - includes the 1986 Apology to First Nations Peoples, by the United Church of Canada (31st General Council), and the 1998 Apology to Former Students of United Church Indian Residential Schools, and to Their Families and Communities (General Council Executive 1998)

Affirm United -Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble is a justice-oriented organization of people in the United Church, which works for the full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in The United Church of Canada and in society.

Awash in Theology -A Wiki site for United Church theology. Contains theological materials generated by the United Church of Canada, and is a place for discussion and collaborative writing about these materials and various theological issues, including issues related to ethics, history, worship, hymnology, preaching, etc.

More Voices -This site has a searchable More Voices database. Search songs by keyword, scripture, phrases, or lyrics. Information is provided about the songs, their authors, composers, and arrangers.

Music United -"Is a diverse association of people passionate about music in the United Church of Canada."

Gathering: Resources for Worship Planners

Worship Resources

Our Common Faith (T. B. Kilpatrick) - 1928

This is Our Faith (John Dow) - 1943

Interfaith Relations -includes statements on United Church-Jewish relations, United Church-Muslim relations, United Church-Hindu relations, and a list of Interfaith Dialogue Organizations.

Digitized issues of The New Outlook (v.1, 1925 - v.6:9, 1930; v.14:18, 1938 - v.15:8, 1939)

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