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ENV430H5: Legal and Policy Approaches to Environmental Issues (Fall 2022)

ENV430: Group Project Resources

In this course, students will be asked to complete a group project where they are asked to examine a major environmental issue, and consider a number of legal and policy tools that can be used to address it. The final group submission will be a report providing recommendations on which of these tools are most effective in dealing with your assigned environmental issue. Each group will submit a Project proposal prior to completing final Project report. Each group is also expected to make a presentation based on the findings in their group report.

This LibGuide provides resources to help you locate relevent research materials for completing your project tasks. Pointers are also given on how to effectively evaluate different information sources and how to cite them correctly in the APA style


Book your Virtual Research Consultation

Each ENV430 Group should meet with Andrew Nicholson, GGE Liaison Librarian, for a virtual research consultation.

He will be available via Zoom on the following dates and times:

ZOOM link: 

PASSCODE: env430utm

Monday, September 26: 11-12am

Monday, September 26: 4-5pm

Monday, October 3rd: 11-12am (not available)

Monday, October 3rd: 4 -5pm (Not available)

Wednesday, October 5th 11-12am (Not available)

October 11-14 --Reading Week -Unavailable for meetings

Monday, October 17th: 11-12am

Monday, October 17th: 4-5pm

Wednesday, October 19th: 3-4pm (Not available)

Thursday, October 20th: 10-11am




You can also email Andrew if you have a question about a ENV430 research resource or to schedule a Virtual Research Consultation at a more convenient time!