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Research Guides

ENG100: Effective writing


Library research can be tricky. But librarians are here to help. You can reach out to the library in a number of ways. The following image shows where to find Chat, Email, and Consultation services on the library website

Library landing page with navigation bar Ask heading circled in green

The Research Process

What people want the research process to look like:

Ideal assignment research model

What the research process usually looks like:

Model of a typical search that includes frustration and worry

Getting started can be hard:

84% of students find that getting started is the hardest part of the research process. So ask for help early in your process and come back as often as you need to. We're always here to help. 

Chart showing percentage of students who report that getting started is the hardest part of research

Head, A.J. & Eisnberg, M.B. (2010). Truth be told: How college students evaluate and use information in the digital age. Project Information Literacy.

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