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Research Guides

ENG100: Effective writing

Find online encyclopedias

Reference books and reference sources (like encyclopedias and dictionaries) are not meant to be read cover to cover. They are used to locate specific facts or background information on your topic. 

The library has many online encyclopedias and dictionaries. The following two platforms let you search many reference sources at the same time:

Once you open one of these collections, you can enter your research topic and search.

Oxford Reference platform with search for Black Lives Matter entered in the search box

Choose encyclopedia by subject

Some reference books and reference sources are focused in on a specific subject. 

A good way to locate subject encyclopedias is by using the Subjects A-Z research guide. You can find the location of this guide on the library website, as shown in the following image: 

Library webpage showing location of Subjects A to Z feature.

Once you've opened the Subjects A-Z guide, you can scroll down to the topic you are most interested in and choose to see dictionaries and encyclopedias on that topic. 

Subjects A-Z guide highlighting the Black Studies subject dictionaries and encyclopedia option

A new page opens and you'll see a list of subject encyclopedias and dictionaries more narrowly focused on your topic:

Subjects A to Z page for Black Studies dictionaries and encylopedias.

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