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CITC03 Housing Policy and Planning

This guide will help students in CITC03 with finding data and statistics for their housing policy and planning assignment, as well as scholarly sources for other class requirements.

Welcome to UTSC Library & CITC03 Research Guide

Use this website to begin your research.  Use the menu on the left-side of the screen to navigate this website.

Learning Outcomes

Data Literacy - Find, Read, and Analyze

You will find data reports and statistics on housing in Toronto.

You will interpret/read data reports and statistics on neighbourhoods to create your own data analysis and data report on housing.  

You will be introduced to Data Literacy Skills modules to help you with Excel skills that will help you to identify, summarize and solve data analysis questions.

UTSC Library Foundational Data Literacy Skills Modules

Icebreaker Activity

Show of hands

  • How many of you have cited data before in your research papers?
  • How many of you have cited information from Statistics Canada?
  • How many of you cited information from Toronto Open Data Portal?
  • How many of you have cited data that was in an article or report?
  • How many of you have done your own data analysis on data you found or gathered?

Key Data Resources

Key eResources

Key Policy Publications

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